Common Printer Issues

This is a checklist of things to go over if you have printing problems

My printer is offline or unresponsive

Problem: WiFi shows offline

If your printer PC shows offline or when you attempt to print the printer is unresponsive. To confirm this, click on your account name (top-right of page on web) then Printers, and confirm that the Host PC internet connectivity icon shows online, and the printer icon shows that it is connected.


  1. First confirm that the host PC is online. As soon as the software is able to establish connection to the host the icon will turn from light grey to solid.
  2. If you confirm that the host has internet your service my have stopped. If so, restart the Simple RFID Print Client.

Problem: The Printer Icon shows disconnected and is light grey

This may mean that the Printer is turned off, the USB is unplugged, or the printer driver has duplicated.


  1. Check connections or power on printer. If the driver has duplicated go to the Control Panel > Printers & Devices, and delete the duplicate driver.
  2. You may need to restart the PC afterwards.

Problem: Printer shows disconnected even after restarting the Print Client

Solution: Restart the printer Service Step by Step Instruction on Restarting Print Client

  • Check the drivers. Ensure that there is only 1 driver per printer installed. If printer driver issues exist a.) delete the driver(s) and then turn off the printer b.) restart the host PC c.) once the PC is back online turn on the Printer. This will reinstall the drivers.

Problem: My printer disconnects frequently

Solution: Your PC may be going to sleep, thus terminating the connection to the website, and you may need to adjust your host PCs sleep settings.

My printer is VOIDING, skipping, or print is not aligned

Problem: Printer Voids - Labels voiding or skipping labels.

Problem: Printer continues to void after calibration

Problem: Media slips during backfeed sequence of RFID calibration causing voids.