Reset your printer to factory defaults

If you have a printer error due to running out of tags or ribbons, or if it prints "VOID" after calibration, you will want to reset the printer to factory defaults.

This article outlines the process of resetting each printer model to factory default settings. 

Desktop Models


      • After starting the printer, press the home button
      • Using the arrows, navigate to the right and select the “Tools” menu
      • In the Tools menu, press the right arrow six times until you see “LOAD DEFAULTS FACTORY”
      • Click the button under “LOAD”
      • This will reset the printer to factory defaults
      • Recalibrate the printer


      • After starting the printer, use the touchscreen to click "Menu"
      • On the left side of the screen, click "Settings"
      • Scroll down and click "Restore Defaults"
      • Click on "Restore Printer" and accept the prompt
      • This will reset the printer to factory defaults
Tabletop Models


      • After starting the printer, press the Home button
      • Using the arrows, navigate to the right and select the Tools menu
      • In the Tools menu, press the right arrow six times until you see “LOAD DEFAULTS FACTORY”
      • Click the “LOAD” button
      • This will reset the printer to factory defaults
      • Recalibrate the printer


      • After starting the printer, use the touchscreen to click "Menu"
      • Click on "Settings"
      • Click "Restore Defaults"
      • Click on restore printer and accept the prompt
      • This will reset the printer to factory defaults
      • Recalibrate the printer


      • After starting the printer, use the touchscreen to click "Settings"
      • Turn the printer off. Then hold down the Pause & Feed buttons while turning on the printer. Keep these two buttons pressed until the “BLOCK” message appears, releasing them
      • This will reset the printer to factory defaults
      • Recalibrate the printer