Calibrate Your Printer from the Website

Please calibrate your printer when loading new labels into your printer, or if you experience voids or shifting.

RF printers require two calibrations be completed which include, Media & Ribbon, and RFID. 

Please make sure that your printer is unpaused before continuing.

To calibrate your printer navigate to the Simple RFID Web Portal.

  • Click on your account name at the top-right of the page, then select Printers V2

  • From the Printers V2 page, locate the desired print station and click the settings icon to the right.

  • On the print station's settings page, locate the correct printer and click the Calibrate icon. (Most stations will only have one printer attached.)
  • Finally, click Yes to start the calibration process.

  • Accepting this prompt will then send both the media and ribbon and RFID calibrations to the printer, which will proceed automatically with the following steps:
    • Media and Ribbon.
    • Then a pause for roughly 10 seconds.
    • And then the RF calibration, which will take longer; the labels will periodically inch out of the printer for approximately one minute. At the end of the process it will feed out 2 or 3 labels before stopping completely.
  • After the calibration has completed:
    • Open the printer and roll back the labels so the blank tags may be used—precision is not necessary
    • Un-pause the printer
    • Now you are ready to print

If you continue to have voids after calibrating your printer please reset your printer to factory defaults, and then recalibrate.


You may also execute these calibrations directly from the printer as well. Below are links to the tutorials for each printer model:

Once you have calibrated your printer, you can Design and Edit Labels