Set a static IP address on Impinj Speedway RAIN RFID reader

Instructions on changing a Reader from Dynamic to Static IP

Please Note:

  • The reader has DHCP
  • Default IP of Reader

You may want to change the IP address of the Speedway reader from the default DHCP to a static address.

  1. Download PuTTY from the link below if you have not already done so:
  2. Launch PuTTY. If prompted, run it as administrator.
  3. In the "PuTTY Configuration" screen, follow the appropriate steps depending on which port on the Speedway reader you are connected to:

    A) Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the Speedway reader (not the Console port),
        A-1) Choose "SSH" Connection type (default).
        A-2) Enter the Speedway reader's hostname in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field. The hostname for the Speedway reader is: speedwayr-xx-yy-zz, where xx-yy-zz is the last three sections of the Speedway reader's MAC address.
    1. Click the "Open" button.
    2. You should get an RShell login prompt. If you see a blank screen, hit the "Enter" key once.

    1. Type the following login and password information:
          Login: root
          Password: Impinj
          (the password may not be shown as you type)
    2. Once you've successfully logged in, you will see something similar to the following. You are now logged into the reader's RShell interface.

    To find out the Speedway reader's IP address, type the following at the RShell prompt:

        > show network summary

    The results (as shown below) indicate a couple of things:

    1. a) ipAddressMode = 'Dynamic' means this Speedway reader is set to acquire its IP address via DHCP. If this Speedway reader were set to a static IP address, it would say 'Static.'
    2. b) ipAddress = '' indicates this is the IP address for this Speedway reader.


    1. To change the IP address, type the following at the RShell prompt:
      a) To set the Speedway reader to DHCP:

              > config network IP dynamic

      b) To set the Speedway reader to a static IP address:

              > config network ip static

      ("xxx"s are values between 1 and 255. For example, "config network IP static")


              > config network ip static

      (for example, if you type:

      > config network IP static

      You are configuring the IP address, Netmask, Gateway, and Broadcast Address, respectively, separated by a space character)
      NOTE: Consult the RShell Reference Manual for additional details.
    2. To exit from the RShell interface, type the following at the RShell prompt:

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