What is the ISN and why do I need it?

The ISN is a valuable piece of data to include printed on your labels.This article explains the advantages of including it.

What is the ISN? The ISN is an acronym for Item's Serial Number. Simply put, it's the associated serial number programmed into the tag. 

Why do I need it? The ISN provides visual verification of the tag's electronically programmed data. This visible serial number verifies the tag's data at several points along the printing and scanning processes.

Benefits of ISN when Printing

When printing RFiD labels, each tag generates a serial number. These serial numbers are visible in the Print Job's job detail pop-up:

Print Job

Click the Print Job, and a pop-up will appear

Print Job detail Pop-up

A user can see the assigned ISNs for each product printed from this pop-up. If any labels fail to scan during the Print Job Verification process, the ISN allows you to quickly identify which labels are faulty so that they can be discarded and new labels printed.

Benefits of ISN in Inventory 

Once the labels have been scanned and uploaded, users can view the ISNs via the Inventory tab.

By clicking on the product title, a user can view the serial number level data, which includes the ISN. 

Once again, this information is precious when confirming which tags are being successfully counted and which items are not. By simply visually matching the printed ISNs against the ISNs from the Inventory serial level pop-up, a user can quickly identify what tags need to be repositioned or reprinted. 

The benefits of printing this ISN are being extended to the mobile application, where users can "Search/Seek" for SKU-level products and ISN.