Comparing & Adjusting Inventory In A Partner System

Compare your RF scan data against a partner system, identify discrepancies, and update this system with correct counts.

Now we will discuss the various ways in which you can compare your RF inventory data against a partner system, identify where the inventory is deflated, inflated, or out of stock, and update the partner system with accurate inventory counts.


Table of Contents

Step 1 - Generate A Fresh Complete RF Inventory

Step 2 - Download The Inventory From Your Partner System

Step 3 - Upload the Corrected Counts Into Your Partner System


Step 1 - Generate A Fresh Complete RF Inventory

The first step to comparing your inventory is to generate a fresh count in Simple RFID. This involves the following steps:

1. Audit your Inventory - Auditing your inventory flushes your inventory of any inventory which was previously counted and is not longer present, and establishes a freshness marker.

2. Add to Inventory (All Tags) - Next you will perform Add (All Tags) inventory scans to audit the product on-hand.

3. Add Not In Inventory - Finally we will pass over the stock using Add Not In Inventory. The option downloads the current inventory from the web to your device and only displays items which have not been counted. 


Step 2 - Download The Inventory from Your Partner System

Now we will download your partner system for upload into Simple RFID Compare page. The spreadsheet download from your partner system should contain SKU and Quantity. How to upload this inventory to the Compare page

The items will fall into one of three categories: Deflated, Inflated, and Out of Stock. 

  • Deflated - The Deflated list groups all instances when you have MORE items Available than what is listed in your Partner System. This means that you are failing to list all available quantities of stock. 

Solution - Sync to increase your Partner inventory quantity to match your Available quantity.

Caution: Ensure that you have not failed to properly remove an item from inventory so that you don’t artificially inflate your inventory.

  • Inflated - Inflated inventory means that you have more inventory listed in your Partner System than what you have Available, and can mean one of two things:

    Scenario 1 - You have items which must be tagged, scanned, and be added to inventory so that the Available matches your Partner System.


Scenario 2 - Inventory is actually inflated! This means you are listing product quantities for sale that you do not have in stock, and you run the risk of selling what you don’t have. If this is the case you must reduce your Partner quantity to match your Simple RFiD quantity.

  • Out of Stock - Any product which has been printed, and which has an RFID quantity of “0” will appear on the Out of Stock list. Out of Stock may mean one of two things:

Scenario 1 - You have inventory which has not been tagged and scanned. 


Scenario 2 - The Product is sold out and there is no available stock, but you show a quantity in your Partner System. 

If this is the case you must adjust the inventory in this system “0” to prevent customers from purchasing items not in stock.


Step 3 - Upload the Corrected Counts Into Your Partner System