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1128 TSL Reader LED Status Lights

Guide to the LED Status Lights on the 1128 TSL Handheld Reader

The status LEDs on the top of the 1128 UHF Reader indicate the operating status of the 1128 UHF Reader.


Blue slow flash (50% on, 50% off)

The reader is awake, but there is no connection

Blue constant

The reader is awake and connected to a host

Short green flash

The reader has successfully read a tag or barcode or executed the alert command.

Green slow flash (50% on, 50% off)

Antenna error

Orange slow flash (50% on, 50% off)

Battery low warning (<10% capacity remaining); please recharge immediately

Orange short single slow flash

Battery charging with a battery level of less than 33%

Orange short double flash

Battery charging with battery level less than or equal to 66%

Orange short triple flash

Battery charging with a battery level greater than 66%

Orange rapid flash

There is a charge error/battery fault

Orange constant

The reader is fully charged

All off

The reader is off and not charging

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