Printing from 3rd party (Supplier or Print house) using a Print File

This article describes how users are able to set up Suppliers, Print houses, as well as other third parties and grant them access to the software to allow them to generate the needed print files to print RFID labels and verify encoding

This article supposes that the Supplier has label editing software, and an RFID enabled printer to print labels. This process outlines the steps to generate a print file to allow 3rd parties to print labels. Most of the article covers the workflow from the customer side. 

Customer Workflow

1. Setup Supplier and Grant Permissions

The first step is you must set up your supplier with access to the software. Currently this feature is only available from the original backend

Setup Supplier

  • Hover over the Gear Icon
  • Then Click Suppliers
  • On the Suppliers page right side click the "+" button
  • On the Create new supplier page enter the Suppliers details and click Save

Grant Permissions

  • Hover over the Gear Icon
  • Then Click Users
  • On the User List click the "+" button
  • On the Create a User page enter the users Email and click Create
  • Enter a first and last name and click Create

The User will then appear on the User List

  • Search and locate the new User
  • Click on the Role link
  • In the Supplier section select either/both Web User and Mobile User
  • Search the name of the Supplier in the search window(s)
  • Click Add
  • Click Save

The new User will only have access to their location. 

2. Create a Print File 

Next you will create a print file for the Supplier and/or the Supplier may create a print file for themselves. The two methods are creating the print file from a Purchase Order, or creating the print file from a Print Job.

Creating a Print File from a Purchase Order

After you have created the Purchase Order you must move the status to Approved.

Once the Purchase Order is approved 

Supplier Workflow

  • Supplier will Open the desired Purchase Order
  • Click the arrow pointing down on the "Products" header
  • A .TXT download of the Purchase Order will be generated which includes a column header to map fields
  • Use the files as the database for your print job

Supplier may also generate individual print jobs if needed. All jobs created by Supplier are recorded so you can track any files generated.

To print individual jobs:

  • Click Printing icon
  • Click the "+" button
  • Search a desired product
  • Enter the quantity
    • Click on tools icon if you wish to add EPC specific data to the print job like Cost, Lot #, etc.
  • Click Download Print File

User may also use an Excel file to upload a job. 

If the Supplier ever needs to retrieve any job, created from a Purchase Order or an individual print job they can view the Print Job history by:

  • Clicking on the Print icon to view the Print Jobs list
  • Click the download icon under the Actions column

3. Print Job Verification

We strongly encourage all jobs to be scanned to confirm encoding success. For customers located in markets outside the Google Play Market or Apple App Store users can download our Android APK to load on to an Android device.

  • Hover over the Gear Icon
  • Select Resources
  • Under Mobile Applications select Android APK installation

Login to the App using using the same credentials you login to the website

  • Click Start Scan/Saved Scans
  • Click Start New Scan
  • Pair a TSL 1128 or TSL 1166 reader
  • Click Pair with Scan Gun
  • On the Select an Accessory page locate the device "1128"or "1166" Bluetooth Option
  • Click Start Scan
  • Select Add to Inventory
  • Scan all items and Upload

The items will be removed from the Suppliers inventory as soon as they are scanned into the destination.