Users who will be using version 7 of the mobile app will need a Mobile Users account.
To create a user, log in to the web portal and click the Admin Menu (your name and role), then click Mobile Users (old).
You will then come to a page showing all of your current mobile users with their permissions. You will then click the "+" in the top right corner to create a user.
You will then enter the user's email and click create.
Then enter the user's First and Last name. Optionally, you can also enter a Phone Number.
When all relevant information is entered, click "Create."
Next, you will choose what permissions you wish to grant the user. If you want the user to have complete access to the system, you will check the "Administrator" box. Otherwise, you will specify what access you want the user to have.
If you do not have Store or Supplier locations created, they will not show up as options to grant access to. Once a location of those types is created, you will see that option. Each location type has the option to give "Web" and "Mobile" access.
"Web User" permissions on this page no longer have any effect.
Access to the web portal is now granted by the "Users" page in the Admin menu.
Mobile access will enable users to scan a product and upload scans to their assigned location. To grant permissions to specific locations, you will select the permission type you wish to grant, and then to the right, you will type in the name of the location and select it when it appears. After choosing the desired location, you will click "Add." Users can have any number of locations and different abilities at each location.
Once the desired permissions are added, you will click save in the bottom left corner.
Once the user is saved, it will appear in the users' list. You may edit the permission anytime by coming to this page and clicking on the assigned permissions under the "Role" column.
Users can be deactivated without being deleted, by un-checking the "Active" box next to their user.
The "Reset password" button will reset their password and send a new temporary password to the email associated with the user.
You can delete a user by clicking the trash can icon to the right of their information.