Create Print Job from Purchase Order

The following outlines the process of creating a print job from a Purchase Order in the new web backend

Step 1 - Create a Purchase Order 

Step 2 - Create a Print Job for the Purchase Order

  • From the Orders page select the Purchase Tab

  • Locate and select the desired Purchase Order

  • Click the order line to open the individual Purchase Order view
  • Change the status from Saved to "Approved" status

  • Then click Save 

  • Finally, reopen the order which is now in Approved status and you will see a "Print" button located on the right side

  • Upon clicking the button the Print Job pop-up window will open

    Finalize the job and:

      • Select the desired printer and label the design
      • Add EPC level detail
      • Click Postpone Print Job to create a paused job from the Print Jobs page OR
      • Click Start Print Job to execute the job immediately