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  2. Retailer Compliance & Submission

ALEC Submission Form Guide

This article summarizes the steps required to submit samples to Auburn's RFID Lab for review & approval

I. Before Getting Started

1. Start by visiting your retailers RFID playbook

• Please reach out to your retailer about getting the appropriate resources in order to submit. Most retailers have an RFID playbook. The RFID playbook is a great way to get a basic understanding of the RFID implementation process.

- Walmart Playbook

- Dillard's Playbook

- Costco Playbook

- Dick's Sporting Goods Playbook

2. Determine the best tagging location for each product

• When determining the best tagging location for your product you want to consider
how close the RFID tag is/will be to metal, liquid, glass, and foil. Please offset your tag from any of those listed materials.

• Do not place RFID tags on the bottom of your product packaging. Recommended area of packaging to tag in is the side of the packaging near the top.

• Please see our Tagging Guideline for further advice on where to tag your product. If you are still unsure where to tag your product, please fill out an item question
here: Question Form.

3. Group like items together

• Each submission can represent multiple products if each product has the same
supplier, company prefix, packaging provider, packaging type, inlay, and tagging
location. You will select one representative UPC and product to fill out the form with.

II. Form Field Explanations

1. Vendor Name

• This is the supplier company name.

2. Shipment Tracking Number

• Please make a tracking label before submitting to receive a tracking number to enter in this field. This package will only need to have a copy of the submission form and 5 RFID tags for the representative UPC/GTIN.

3. GTIN/UPC for Item Submitted

• Please select one representative item and enter its UPC/GTIN number here. This should match the UPC number on the 5 RFID tags you will send to us.

4. RFID Packaging Provider

• Please select the company that supplies you with the finished RFID tag. If you are
encoding your own tags, please select “Other” and enter your company name in the next field.

5. Inlay Spec

• Please look at your retailer's RFID playbook or contact your retailer to determine your department's spec. You may choose any inlay within your spec. You may only choose one spec per submission form. Please find a list of approved inlays for your spec here: specs.

6. Inlay Manufacturer/Model

• This is not always the packaging provider. Please contact your packaging provider to find out your inlay manufacturer/model.

7. Retailer

• You may submit for up to 10 retailers. Your retailer is who you are supplying the
products to.

8. Vendor ID

• Each supplier/vendor should have a unique id for each retailer. If you do not know your unique id, please contact your retailer.

III. After Submitting

1. Confirmation Email

• If your submission was submitted successfully, you should see a thank you page and have received a confirmation email. If this was not the case, please contact

2. Send us your submission

• Once you have successfully submitted, please follow the instructions on how to send us your submission in the confirmation email.


Link to original doc